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About Us

What is Customized Employment?

Customized Employment is a service in which people with disabilities obtain and maintain employment in community businesses. Highline Community and Employment Services employs talented Employment Consultants who work to match qualified candidates to the needs of an employer.

We support job candidates through the application process, interviewing, on-boarding, and training.

We remain available to assist with retention of employment and on-going career growth. Employment Consultants also provide training and support to co-workers and supervisors on disability-related topics as well as strategies for supporting the employee. Services are based upon a person’s unique strengths and preferences.

What are Employment Services?

Services provided may include:

  • Assessment and Discovery

    Employment Consultants collaborate with individuals to gain an understanding of their skills and interests, and the environmental supports needed for stable, long-term, gainful employment. Strategies used may include short term volunteering, community based assessments, internships, informational interviews, job shadowing, and job sampling. At the end of this phase, the individual will have a specific career goal.

  • Job Development and Placement

    Once the individual has developed a career goal, their Employment Consultant connects with local businesses to find or create a position that will both fit the job seeker and benefit the employer. While we have many businesses that we work with frequently, we will seek out employment opportunities that match individual skills and interests based upon the information determined in the assessment phase.

  • On-the-Job Training

    As the individual starts their new job, the Employment Consultant assists in helping to determine tasks and the best training methods to ensure that the individual understands and is meeting the employer’s expectations. The duration of on-the-job training services depend upon the individual’s specific needs.

  • Retention Services

    Retention services provide on-going, long-term support. Employment Consultant will meet regularly with the individual and employer to provide assistance, education, and/or training as required to ensure stable and successful long-term employment.

What are Community Inclusion Services?

Community Inclusion services are intended for individuals with disabilities who are of retirement age. Our professional staff connect with each individual to pursue his or her own unique contribution to community life. We support individuals to engage in and contribute to the community, build relationships, and avoid isolation.